worms on my bed?!?!?

Filed under: Worms-Vermicompost |

Question by my skittles are green >.<: worms on my bed?!?!?
ok well this morning my friend found a brownish worm….well i think it was a worm….but it was EXTREMELY small….about a centimeter or even less….well yea it was alive so i got disgusted and killed it of course then i looked aaaall over my bed and found another dead one on that same pillow…..soooo i took all my covers off put them in the washer…and threw out that pillow….so what are they exactly??…….my dog sleeps on the bed with me somtimes…so could it be somthing she’s bringing in from outside???

o and will washing my sheets and what not get rid of them??!?….

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5 Responses to worms on my bed?!?!?

  1. Your dog might actually have worms. It’s really important to give your dog a wormer every month. If you haven’t been giving him one, he could have worms that are making it into your bed. Take him to the vet to get a prescription for a good heartworm/worm preventative and make sure to give it to him every month.

    February 15, 2012 at 12:12 pm

  2. Next time you find one, let it live, and bring it to the vet or a doctor. It might be dangerous to you and your dog. You may as well bring it to the vet, so your vet can check if your dog has any.

    February 15, 2012 at 12:14 pm

  3. That sounds like a tapeworm segment. Tapeworms expel egg sacs that can move when first expelled. They dry up and look like a rye seed. Have you seen any fleas lately? They are the carrier. Check the dogs stool, you can often see these rice like segments in the stool and around the dogs rectum. Easy to get rid of with over the counter meds–ask your vet.

    February 15, 2012 at 12:19 pm

  4. It sounds like a tapeworm. Regular wormer will not take care of it, but the meds are cheap (about $ 30 from the vet.)
    You can’t catch a tapeworm unless you ingest fleas, so just make sure that you, your home, and dog are free of fleas, and if not, take measures to get rid of them. Your dog can’t pass it on to you, so just make sure everything is clean and you will be fine.
    It isn’t an emergency, but just get the dog into the vet as soon as you can.

    February 15, 2012 at 1:11 pm

  5. most worms that dogs have are white-beige, unless they have feces on them. if it were a parasitic worm and you found multiple ones, i would think possible tapeworm proglottids. As they dry out they look like rice and can be light brownish-white. Round worms are long and look like spaghetti. The link below has a picture of stool with tapeworm proglottids on it. (if your squemish you may think the photo is gross)


    another thought is does your dog dig. Perhaps they are small earthworms they brought in. Or if you have any type of beetles or moths in your house they might be insect larvae.

    February 15, 2012 at 2:11 pm

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