Why are Americans the fattest people on earth despite access to the best agriculture & dairy?

Filed under: Farming |

organic agriculture
Image by uniteddiversity
Alison puts nets over fruit to protect again the many birds and squirrels attracted to Queens Wood

Question by .: Why are Americans the fattest people on earth despite access to the best agriculture & dairy?
So-called diet products have only made obesity worse. Unnatural versions and combinations of foods are misleading and companies are in it to make money off of ignorance, desperation, and weak-will.

Many young people post here about dieting, asking ‘what works’. Very frustrating to see so many suffer needlessly.

The way to stay fit is to eat smaller portions of organic and whole foods, drink clear water instead of beverages, get more rest, and exercise moderately. This is the answer to at least 100 questions per day on this site.

Feel free to answer in the comment section below

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11 Responses to Why are Americans the fattest people on earth despite access to the best agriculture & dairy?

  1. Because we have such a surplus and McDonalds

    Ben Peters
    December 25, 2011 at 10:53 am

  2. No, we eat a lot of crap. Chips, fast food, sodas, meat, pasta, sauce, Pizza, burger, hot dogs, taco bell.

    Tristabeans Mamb
    December 25, 2011 at 11:20 am

  3. lol americans have by far the BEST agriculture & dairy xD
    but anyway you are right about the diets
    people should just exercise a little more, and eat more fresh fruit and vegetables in smaller portions
    (not supersize this and supersize that)
    people just don’t search for questions that have been solved, but just asks their own question, which is basically exactly the same…

    Desperate Jasper
    December 25, 2011 at 12:11 pm

  4. cuz the cheapest and most convenient food is the fattiest…./…

    December 25, 2011 at 12:45 pm

  5. Agriculture sucks, its what brought us here to what we are today

    McDonalds is good 4 u!
    December 25, 2011 at 1:06 pm

  6. Because most Americans when they do eat, eat very bad things…like junk food. I am American and do this, but I am not fat because I do many sports. But yeah MOST Americans are stupid and fat…xD(Not all of them)

    Darkstar Vinzenz
    December 25, 2011 at 2:00 pm

  7. A lot of the obesity in children comes from the fact that parents leave the TVs, computers and other electronic gadgets on for more that an hour a day. This causes assitis which develops into obesity.

    December 25, 2011 at 2:21 pm

  8. there are so many american luxuries, they just dont want to get up off their arses. they are obease because they know that they dont have to do anything. all they beleive they need to do is either sleep, eat, play video games, or sit on their a** on the couch all day and eat twinkies.
    back in the older days, people had to work for their food, they had to MOVE. nowadays, people beach when they have to pick a peice of trash off the floor.

    now, dont get me wrong, i am a very caring 18 year old person (at times.) im not pointing fingers at anyone. some people have health issuse that prevent them from being a normal healthy weight. i had a friend who was a thousand pounds who died. her name was emily.

    Black Heart
    December 25, 2011 at 3:01 pm

  9. Because of the amount of fast food joints and our cultures addiction to soft drinks Americans want food that’s cheap fast and easy. Organic anything in this country has a larger price tag. I am American but I’m not gonna hide that a lot of Americans are stupid and lazy. And it’s not anyone else’s fault but their own. People here will spend every last penny they have on a pack of cigarettes, junk food, or soda. What I’m saying doesn’t reflect American society as a whole. Just the area I live in. My own people disgust me

    December 25, 2011 at 3:09 pm

  10. Weston A. Price was a dentist who went on a journey around the world and documented the diets and physical and dental hygiene of indigenous cultures where their diets and lifestyle were not influenced by western society in 1930. He published a book (which I fortunately have read and am proud to own) which documented extraordinary dental health, no cavities, all the wisdom teeth lined up, beautiful broad faces, all the women had long flowing hair and fertile figures and the men of ALL the tribes had such physically strong bodies and handsome youthful yet, mature and mean looking complexions.

    What did these people eat to get so good looking, strong and free of dental decay that we don’t do in western society.
    It’s obvious
    1. We eat cooked food (all the tribes ate RAW local and in season fruits and vegetables)
    2. We pasteurize our milk (all the tribes consumed raw cows and goats milk from green lush grass pastures)
    3. Some tribes ate organs of the animals and created bone stocks and would feed the muscle meat to their dogs, where as we only eat the muscle and throw away the bones and organs
    4. They fermented ALL grains to make sourdough breads naturally leavened and drank fermented beverages such as beer and wine (we cook and pasteurize ours)
    5. They soaked and fermented ALL nuts, beans and legumes in the area (they did not roast/pan fry and salt them like we do ours)
    6. They consumed RAW dairy (we cook our dairy from cooked milk, THATS A DOUBLE WHAMMY!)
    7. Some tribes consumed raw honey and would trek for days to seek it out.
    8. RAW RAW RAW RAW RAW, did I mention they ate everything raw?

    Disease is no mystery, everything nature provides us is right outside our door, all raw
    chicken Mc Nuggets do not grow off trees and im pretty sure ive never seen an Oreo plant

    December 25, 2011 at 3:10 pm

    • Americans have the CHEAPEST agriculture and dairy, not the BEST.

      Genetically modified CORN and SOY, along with the advancements in herbicides and pesticides make our agriculture so cheap, but at the expense of nutrients and taste.

      With Corn so subsidized, and high fructose corn syrup so cheap, its no wonder it is the primary ingredient in all of our foods.

      It won’t be long before we start watering our genetically modified corn fields with “Brawndo” because its “got electrolytes”!! 🙂

      December 27, 2011 at 10:44 am

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