Where can I find information on Kinetin being allowed for organic use in agriculture?

Filed under: Farming |

organic agriculture
Image by Ecoagriculture Partners
Organic farm in Ithaca, NY

Photo: Sajal Sthapit

Question by butterflyblue79: Where can I find information on Kinetin being allowed for organic use in agriculture?
Does anyone know where I can find proof that Kinetin is approved for organic use in agriculture? Does anyone know of a county or organization that has aproved it for organics, or allows it to be used in organics. I can find products that have kinetin in it that have been approved, but I just need Kinetin, by itself approved.
Any information you can provide will be apreciated, but please provide sources.
Thank you

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One Response to Where can I find information on Kinetin being allowed for organic use in agriculture?

  1. In itself, because kinetin needs to be chemically removed from a plant if it isn’t outright manufactured, it would be a chemical and most rules would not consider it to be organic. All would depend what you wanted to use it for. Can you use extracts organically taken from coconut milk? What is frequently a loop hole of sorts is that started plants for organic growing don’t always come from organic sources, but would be organic if they were grown organically. Can a tissue cultured plant be organic? Can vegetative reproduced plants be grown organically? They may be considered organic if in their initial production they were not exposed to some things but exposed to others? Growth hormones might not be the issue that a pesticide would be. Growth hormones from extracts if taken in one method might be okay but not okay from another method.

    April 30, 2011 at 11:28 pm

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