What do you think about a possible total Independence in Kosovo?

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Question by dofaegean: What do you think about a possible total Independence in Kosovo?
Do you thaink that a possible Independence will begin a dangerous modilization of the minorities in countries like FYROM, Albania, Greece, and Turkey? If yes, why some of these countries suport that kind of solution?
I would appreciate it, if that question will be answered by users from all of these countries.

Feel free to answer in the comment section below

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8 Responses to What do you think about a possible total Independence in Kosovo?

  1. First of all we have to consider that U.S.A. and their allies caused the dissolution of Jugoslavia, which was a factor of political power and influence in the Balkans, by first supporting religious and “ethnicity” differences, although the various “nations” consisting the Former Yugolavia were all relative among them, meaning of Serbian common origin.
    This plan included a further weakening of Serbia, which could be the moderator in the territory, so, after having almost openly favoured Bosnians, the next step of U.N./U.S.A. was to encourage and support Albanian claims in Kosono (and not only).
    Supported or at least tollerated by the U.N., in reality by the U.S.A., Albanians integrated the genocide of Serbians in Kosovo, so that to legalise their claims in this area, and now they proceed to the creation of an “independant” Kosovo, controlled by Albania and behind it by the U.S.A.
    Taking into consideration the well known and repeatedly and openly expressed plans about the “Great Albania”, the next step in the vicinity area will be the raise of minority claims in FYROM, where a considerable albanian minority lives, and the dissolution of this State (while the Slave population will be still discussing about the name of it).
    In an other, and distant enough area (southe-eastern Turkey)we realize that the U.S.A. encourage the Kurdish minority claims, and support politically the Kurdish party. Most likely the U.S.A. plan is the creation of a Kurdish State consisted of Iraqi and Turkish lands (Diyarbakir territory is a boiling pot), commenting that Turkey is of no importance to U.S.A. anylonger, as they have total control of Iraq from the one side, and the former communist Balkanian countries on the other (Not to mention central europe ex – eastern block countries).
    We therefore observe that there is a plan of creation of smaller new States, under the direct control of the U.S.A., which, let’s keep in mind, materialized also the dissolvement of the former Soviet Union block, and now they exert their influence, or rather direct control on the countries that composed it.
    Therefore, an independant Kosovo will trigger more independance claims, mostly against our neibouring countries, which are not, in addition, members of the European Community, as Greece is.
    Meaning that Greece is the the least to fear such plans, while FYROM and Turkey are the next targets.

    April 28, 2013 at 4:51 am

  2. A decision by the international community to forcibly and illegally detach Kosovo from sovereign Serbia would have no validity under any known concept of international law and diplomacy. Doing so would fatally undermine the rule of law in international affairs. It would lead to the elimination of the remaining Christian Serb population from Kosovo, creating a mono-religious (Muslim) and mono-ethnic (Albanian) state. It would establish the principal that once a militant Muslim minority resorts to violence in a majority non-Muslim country, they are “entitled” to detach the area where they are concentrated and create a new state where they can persecute and uproot the non-Muslims. Worst of all from the standpoint of the United States, it would strengthen global jihad terrorism [link 4 Islam] and organized crime [link 5. Crime] by empowering the KLA leaders as the government of a new rogue state, from which they can operate with impunity. Detaching Kosovo from Serbia to create an independent Muslim Albanian state, along with the withdrawal of the international presence, would be a major step toward the KLA’s goal of a greater Albania in which the KLA would be the ruling authority. Moreover, Kosovo, as an independent rogue state would become and even greater danger to the rest of Europe as a base of terrorist operations linked to al-Qaeda. Logistical support for the terrorist bombs in Madrid and London has been traced to the Balkans, to Bosnia as well as to Kosovo.
    an independent Kosovo not only harms the principle of international law that demands respect to the territorial integrity of the States. It grants wings, from the peak of the international community, to all the separatist irredentisms. It means the creation of a society without shades, composed exclusively of those of the same color, same language, same race or same religion. It creates inevitably a new regional instability, that will finish affecting in a serious way all the neighbors. And it constitutes clearly a gigantic one step back in all the efforts of the humanity to construct communities of citizens different and free, able to coexist pacifically in spite of their differences.
    If independence were granted to Kosovo the hands of nationalists will be untied. The Albanians will replace their formulations of territorial and political autonomy with demand for the establishment of Great Albania with centre of Kosovo where ethnic cleansing was carried out. No one should underestimate the danger of such demands.
    If Washington makes clear it will not tolerate a Kosovar unilateral declaration of independence, if the EU makes clear it will only accept an agreed solution and if Russia makes clear to the Serbs its support is equally conditional on a continuing search for a deal, then it will force both sides toward compromises.

    There must be no deadlines, no ultimatums and no strong-arm tactics. Better to have no deal than the wrong deal.


    Some people feel strong with Uncle Sam behind them, but the same Uncle never gives anything for free. The very same people were chosen as the least educated and the most blood thursty to help USA in fight against Russia and will be thrown away as any used toilet paper

    North Cyprus is already waiting for 33 years for recognition. Ask people there, how it feels to have Uncle Sam promising everything and having nothing

    April 28, 2013 at 5:15 am

  3. That is up to the citizen’s of Kosovo. If they choose to remain in a union with Serbia then that’s fine with me, but if they choose a different path one of independence than that should be okay with everyone else especially with Greeks who know nothing about the situation and are influenced to answer such questions stricly on orthodox fanatical ferver.or better yet the people in Belgrade and the rest of Serbia whom the majority have no connections with Kosovo what-so-ever.

    To answer the other part of your question “a dangerous modilization of the minorities” has already been set by Serbia during wars with Croatia, and Bosnia, in Bosnia there is what is callled a quasi state, a republic of Srpska which was born out of Serb aggression and achieved through genocide by evicting thousands of innocent in a process called ethnic cleansing, by massacring unarmed men and women, and having Orthodox priests blessing the killers as soldiers of god. At least the Kosovar Albanians are doing it peacefully for the most part and have a great deal of international support. The only countries that have a problem with the Kosovo situation are nations that have had problems in the past and have mistreated minorities in the own countries.

    Here is the List of countries who oppose independence for Kosovo:

    Russia – now here is a nation that has suppressed many minority rights throughout history even in recent days killing dissidents abroad.

    China- Another country with a terrible record on human rights abuses when it comes to handling minorities.

    Turkey- Turkey has a serious Kurdish problem in their hands.

    Cuba- Cuba is againts anything the USA is for.

    Greece- Well don’t get me started on Greece.

    A vey few more that either have radical(former communists in place in government) or as some sort of interest with Serbia but the important thing is some of the worlds most notable democracies and 85% of the rest of the nations all support the wishes of Kosovar citizens.

    To answer the final part of the question: If yes, why some of these countries suport that kind of solution? Because it is the right thing to do, support the wishes of a people that actually reside there.

    TO ATELJE 212- Dear Sir,
    How nice of you to be concerned about the principal of international law, and the future of the international community, yet your beloved Serbia and fellow compatriots are the biggest lawbreakers the modern world has seen since the Nazi Germany, You speak of international law when it only suits your interests, yet have a hatred and disdain for the UN. Don’t believe mw? Look at the court in the Hague it is filled to the brim with your Serb compatriots. I know what your thinking it is only a kangaroo court and political motivated to be anti-Serb and you have no respect for it but now you want that same organ(U.N) to help your intersts and cause in Kosovo. Leaving Kosovo a quasi state unable to perform and contribute as an independent nation will invite the above possibilites that you speak of and not granting it independence. “Society without Shades” That is exactly what you Serbs want it. It was evident in Bosnia as Serb evicted, killed and raped people that were different then them in the ultimate quest for “Greater Serbia” now you are portraying yourself as a great humanitarian and a champion of multi ethnic states when in fact less than ten years ago your beloved Serbia tried to ethnically purify Kosovo artificially by force, violence and genocide, now you want to promise the same group of people with fresh wounds unlimited autonomy, first of it’s kind, never witnessed before, well pardon me for them not believing you. About Al-Qaeda, and world Jihad, Kosovo is not Iraq, and Albanians are not Arabs and I’m not buying the theory that you are selling and neither is anyone else in the international community.

    PS- The only Riff Raff, and Rogue state is your beloved Serbia.

    Please tell us one of those real funny Clinton jokes!

    To ROXY- Dear Madame,
    As a Serb spoon fed years ands years of venomous lies and deceit about the stereotypes of Albanians of Kosovo, and Greater Albania the biggest myth ever, it is only natural to feel the way you feel. Speaking of “tearing” it was your beloved nationalistic leader Slobodan Milosevic that tore apart a multi-ethnic model nation with Serbian nationalism. It is a tragedy to see that you are one among many Serbs that feel this way and are robbing your future generations of a peaceful coexistance with the neighboring countries of the Balkans. Forget about your wounded pride, failed territorial ambitions, Greater Serbia, and your rightful indignations bred from your orthodox religion. Consider this a friendly neighborly handshake offer of peace, because that we are neighbors only. Our forefathers were killed in several past attempts to free Kosova, I cannot forget the demonstration, and harsh jail sentences passed on to my fellow compatriots, and the events in 1999 when half the entire province was made homeless, so I do not think the Kosovars will do anything to gamble with their newfound status. Kosovo will be a model state for other Balkan countries.

    PS. You are right about no nation being independent today, neither is your beloved Serbia, it is a puppet state with strings being pulled in Moscow.

    April 28, 2013 at 5:26 am

  4. it’s in human nature to talk about things you’re short of : poor people talks about money , small husbands talks about big wife’s , prisoners talks about justice , prostitutes talks about honesty ; meanwhile serbians and Greeks talks about :international law , sovereignty , human rights , extremism , respect of borders , genocide…

    you violate with all those issues , and still pretend that you are some kind of defenders , expressing your concern for problems all over the world .
    serbians i can understand , they try to defend territory which was under their control . in other hand , they lived too long under communism and they accepted it as national ideology , kind of religion for them . their background and national heritage is very problematic , since they moved into Balkan after golden age of peninsula , taking along pagan customs and pagan way of life . just imagine half wild people meeting entire new culture ( like Attila when conquest Rome ). with their very strong pagan ties , they didn’t accept Christianity for 3 long centuries after they migrate into peninsula , pretending those days that churches build during byzantine are their national heritage ?!!half of their language are barbarism , words stolen from Albanian , Turkish , German languages . lack of own culture made them very agresive and violant with their neighbors , trying to prove their identity . Greeks are veeeery lucky they don’t have such a neighbor.

    as for Greeks , i respect their contribution for Europian culture , even so , not sure at all that Greeks of nowdays are very same ones . they aren’t cosmopolitian at all , obscured by their Orthodox believe and ties with Orthodox nations , forgetting they have nothing in common with slavistic Orthodox , which in other hand have nothing in common with Europian culture and tradition .
    making enemy of USA, forgetting all the help you’ve received from them . if they let you under russian influence after ww2, you would be poor-house for his inhabitans . not even dog bite the hand of who’s feeding him .
    not to mention Çams , which you deported from their property , and still 60 years after they can’t return on their property.very democratic indeed !!

    some things have just to be done , and we will be independent no matter what . if that makes precedent so be it . we never pretended that we are defenders of international law , let serbians talk about it , as long as they stay far from our borders .

    @ to atelje : it’s useless to remind you that you have no value for the rest of the world , like an used condom .

    mika is back
    April 28, 2013 at 6:17 am

  5. in short : It is something that must not happen for the safety of the whole region.I hope you understand.

    Smart guy
    April 28, 2013 at 7:00 am

  6. No way, there are allready 57 Muslim countries , they don’t need another one in Cosovo and they want another one in Russia(Chechnya) and another one in Palestine and another one in Philippines and another one in China, what is THAT?
    Jews want one tiny country and those Muslims which have so many countries and want more dont let Jews have one.

    April 28, 2013 at 7:10 am

  7. As a Serb, I look upon the possible Kosovo independence as impossible. As a person living in this day and age in Europe, I find it a gross manipulation of everything we’ve achieved so far as civilized nations. To tear a sovereign country apart, and ONLY for another country’s military goals, with the minority being instrumental in this savage feat, is a defeat of all values we hold dear as citizens of the world.
    Why would others support it, even if it is contrary to common sense – because there are no independent countries anywhere anymore. Everybody owes something to the boss, and chooses to stay safely tucked in their behind, chanting like a class of retards that “Kosovo is different” and not their problem anyway. Well, the day will come when Kosovo becomes everybody’s problem, hitting them in the face, hard and real.
    Please leave the question open and see whether any of the other people you asked answers it. It would be interesting to hear their opinion.
    And don’t forget to include Montenegro: they are also directly involved.

    edit: To Captain Trashistania – We DO have one thing in common: I, too, will never forget the demonstrations. You can count on it.

    April 28, 2013 at 7:10 am

  8. Well we see that everything is possible, so even that. It’s possible to make independent country and new nation in 21 century. What will total independence of Kosovo mean in this region, will it be much different from the status quo that we have now? Will it mean that it will no longer be US military base? Is it possible that Serbs and other minorities on Kosovo be in worse position than they are now? There will no longer be albanian terrorist organizations such as ANA, who can now and than threat to small number of Serbs who are still there? Will criminal rate be significantly reduced? Drug dealing canals to Western Europe? Will serbian language be recognized or serbian orthodox church, as the oldest religion there with it’s holy churches?
    Everything is possible, so the worst part of Europe in this moment can be even worse, in legitimate way.
    I see that only some people answered (from above mentioned countries).
    You can see whose answers are full of personal insults towards other users and who lacks with manners the most. Partly it gives you the best answer to your question.

    Jelena L.
    April 28, 2013 at 7:43 am

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