What can I do about very small flies in my worm farm?

Filed under: Worms-Vermicompost |

Worm Farm
Image by federico_piccin
Locomotiv Club_Bologna

Question by Buttons: What can I do about very small flies in my worm farm?
I think they are vinegar flies. They are out of control and coming into the house. I’m keeping the ones in the house under control by leaving a glass of red wine out (they are all flying in and drowning). I have tried adding lime to the farm but that only seemed to deter them for a couple of days. I also now have ants!

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3 Responses to What can I do about very small flies in my worm farm?

  1. For the flies, bury ALL compost that you feed the worms…for the ants, lay down a perimeter of Amdro or some other Ant killer around the base of the container that the worms are in…sevin dust does fine too, but doesn’t last as long. And the other fellow who answered you isn’t worth a dime…prob some city boy who’s never seen a worm in his life…

    thomas e
    October 13, 2011 at 6:35 am

  2. if you have the available space, try to import some spiders ? i had the same type of problem, grabbed a few spiders and placed them around the area, also where i wouldnt destroy the webs, and let mother nature do her thing. for the ants, use blackboard chalk to put lines/boundaries where they are. You will not be able to kill them all, only change their patterns, so divert em the other way. Research what nature does with it own checks and balances , it works better than any chemicals made by man, plus its safer and greener ! good luck

    October 13, 2011 at 6:52 am

  3. I have found that if I don’t have enough paper on top of the food then I get fruit flies, so I keep it well covered. I stop ants by putting my bin in another bin and put a 1/2 inch of water so they can’t get to the bin.

    October 13, 2011 at 7:46 am

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