Vegans: What are your opinions about these questions..?

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Question by Ganesh: Vegans: What are your opinions about these questions..?
I am a vegetarian. I too like vegans, but I really don’t got the point of being a Vegan. First of all, the only difference betweem me and vegans is that I drink milk. I love animals and I have many pets. My family owns many animals such as Cow, Roosters, hens, etc.. and none of them are killed.

But, here are my questions:

1. Vegans don’t eat dairy products. But they eat vegetables. If these vegetables are grown using cowdungs, then would you eat it? (Cow dungs have a very high market in my area). So, you are contributing to a farmer who rears cattle for milk.

2. If you buy vegetables from a person, and he is using the money to buy meats and fishes, would you buy these vegetables?

3. I am also against honey cultivation. But there was a Bee hive in my house, but then a lot of insects attacked the beehive and all the bees left it, After one year, I took honey from it. Still no honeybee came. So, do you think it is wrong?

4. We have cattles. I live in a village. They are not used as machines that gives milk such as in many diary farms. They have grazing grounds and good shelter. And they are not killed for any reasons. This is because, our religion considers cattle as divine. The only thing that we do is that, we take milk from it. But the baby is also cared well. There is no separation between the two or anything like that. So, can I drink the milk?

5. Vegans do not contribute to animal cruelties. But they don’t do much things for animals. For example, Vegans can make beehives in their house, care cattles, goats, rabbits and other animals. But they don’t! I mean they can have these animals, but they shouldn’t do anything cruel to them.

Vegans just don’t do harm to animals, but they are not doing for the animals. If everyone in the world was vegans, then all cattles will be dead. So, I am saying is that why don’t they own these animals, without harming them? For example: They can have beehives in their house, but they should not take honey. But they aren’t doing it!
I mean that humans are degrading nature by cutting forests, killing animals and destroying biodiversity. So, if no one cares cattle, they are forced to go to forest and grasslands which are already decreasing, so it ends in more danger to remaining animals in the forest, because of scarcity of food and land. So, I am trying to say that, Vegans should care animals.

Why can’t we own animals without killing them? There are Cattles, goats, Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Chickens, etc..

@ 1st answerer (sorry I forget your name) – You may buy a cattle from another animal lover or from India, you know, if you search for it, you will find it.
Sorry the above was referring about “Jake”.

@ 1st answer – Sorry if I meant anything cruel by saying “owning”. People usually say owning pets, etc.. They are not properties, I know. I too love animals.

@ Screw You – Why do you hate meat eaters? They are also humans, you shouldn’t be selfish in your thoughts. We cannot say we are right or they are wrong, its our decisions and there is no need to blame others.

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5 Responses to Vegans: What are your opinions about these questions..?

  1. 1) good question. I don’t believe DOnald Watson considered that one. My opinion is that the dung is so valuable as a fuel and can , obviously, ONLY be gained once the animal literally disposes of it, that it is not commodifying the animal. Unless cows are kept in pens for that reason. I’ve seen cows dropping dung on a busy street in India, full of traffic, yet the rickshaws drive around it, then a guy wearing a suit came over to the dung one time, and grabbed a piece of thrown away cardboard from a pile of rubbish, aand scooped the dung up, and deposited it on the side of the road, so someone can use it. I believe ( my own opinion) as this is clearly not commodifying or using the animal, and that the product is literally waste by the animal, that it’s within a vegan lifestyle to use it.

    2) What I buy is my affair, and I cannot stop anyone doing as they please. I’m happy he does what he wants to do. Of course, I prefer people who don’t support slaughter, but it’s his money and I’m sure he’ll come to see the light of his actions one day. If not, that is still none of my business.

    3) Again as with #1, I believe the animals had left the situation. Flat out left. Are you using them? Are you commodifying them? I don’t believe so.

    4)The hindu religion is the only one that I trust around cows. I’ve seen better puja put on for a cow than a human. They’re loved, massaged, and if you slap it, you will get killed.
    SInce DOnald Watson, in his philosophy, saw so much taking taking taking without giving back, and he grew up on an organic farm in UK on the 1940’s, he saw humans only taking things from the animals, and he didn’t see this life you describe. So, I’m on the fence. I wouldn’t drink dairy because it disagrees with my body. But I lived in India and the entire dynamic of getting milk from a Hindu cow, is about the same level of love and nurturing that a mother will give her own baby, and fiercely protect it. I think in your particular case, since it is so unique, you would have to make the decision yourself, and read the whole vegan philosophy written by DOnald Watson before making the decision. A vegan in technical terms does not use anything that commodifies animals. They don’t use them in anyway. I usually refer back to DOnald Watson.

    5) As DOnald Watson came to find out, humans don’t do much, you’re right. What is the question.

    ANd no, if everyone in the world was vegan all the cattle would not be dead. Most of the cattle are fakely made. They are force raped by humans to create a new cow/sheep/pig. So if that part was taken out, then there would not BE the 600 billion livestock on the planet.
    LAstly, you’re using the word “own” referring to animals. WHy are you saying you can “own” them. They are not property.

    December 12, 2013 at 11:47 am

  2. 1. I think if you eat food that has been marked vegan by the association, I don’t think it’ll fund them, but I am not sure about to be completely honest. The only thing that I can say more is that it’s healthier. Apart the use of a dairy cow that you mentioned, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with using manure as it would break down into the soil anyway

    2. I personally wouldn’t buy those vegetables knowing that information

    3. No, because that honey is out of use. I personally don’t have things with honey because properly the same reasons as you. But honey is healthy (I think) so if it was taken harmlessly, I don’t have a problem. 🙂

    4. There’s no problem in taking the milk in an easy going way. People are so against it usually because of the treatment of cow and calf. The only think about dairy is that it can be unhealthy and lead to health issues. But if no harm is being done, then that’s just a choice.

    5. A lot of vegans probably don’t know how to do those things.. I’ll be honest, I don’t know how to do those things. I could look up how to make a bee hive, even then, I’d probably build it in parks and places.
    Where would I get cows and animals from? Do you mean steal them from the meat industry, or somehow buy them? I do want to buy animals like cows, but how would buying them help?

    How would all the worlds cattle be dead? A lot would be free, and therefore roaming in different wilderness to further evolve

    I hope this helped you gain anything you were after. 😀

    December 12, 2013 at 12:38 pm

  3. 1. In any situation, I would try my best to not contribute to animal cruelty, but sometimes, you have to resort to extreme measures, and you’ll just find yourself living in a bubble. There’s gelatin in book bindings, and animals get run over by combines that harvest grains. Surely we can’t do everything, but we can do a little bit.

    If the manure money is going contributing to the torture of the cows, then I’d try to avoid it, but if the other, manure free brand was way more expensive, I’d probably spend money on the manure brand.

    If I had my own cow, and my own garden, I’d use it’s manure. How is that any different than cleaning up your dog’s poop? Now, it just has a good use

    2. I would buy these vegetables, if he were the only/cheapest seller in town. It’s his choice what he does with the money.

    3.You did not kill/torture the bees intentionally, so no, I don’t believe it is wrong.

    4. As long as the calf is getting proper nourishment, I see nothing wrong.

    5.It takes a lot of responsibility to care for a pet. They need proper attention, grooming, playtime, food, and water. Maybe this is why they don’t do it.

    I disagree that if the cattle weren’t taken in, they’d all die. They could feed off the grass, like cows in nature.

    I also disagree with the fact that vegans do not contribute to animal cruelties. (See #1). I’m not trying to degrade them for it, but I’m just saying, that animal cruelty does happen on a vegan diet. But hey, at least they’re doing something to reduce animal cruelty. It’s better than nothing.

    @Screw You. People might take you more seriously if you took a calmer, more factual attitude, instead of just exclaiming opinions. When you call cheese mucus and puss, people aren’t going to take you seriously, sorry, especially when you call them idiot afterwards. I pray to god this isn’t how you are in real life.

    December 12, 2013 at 12:46 pm

  4. milk is discusting to drink its the breast milk of another animal ITS SICK THINK ABOUT IT eggs are baasically dead chicken fetuses and cheese is nothing but cow snot and puss why would i even want to eat that stuff its acid forming and extremely unhealthy who said people only are vegan because of animal reason health reasons are 80% of the reason i am a vegan its simply way way healthier then being a vegetarian consuming all those nasty dairy products and i do not want to know whats going on through the mind of people that think cow milk for cow babies is healthy for humans thats just sick

    cows chicken and pigs wouldnt be dead if everyone was vegan u idiot they would be living in the wild like they are soposed to be duh!!! i would never own one of those animals thats fucking stupid its just retarded to own 1 and taking things a little too far i still want to live my life not revolve my life around animals im just not going to cause harm to them but im not helping them either i still want to live my life

    Screw You
    December 12, 2013 at 1:30 pm

  5. 1. I compost my vegetable scraps for fertilizer. The farm that I buy from the most uses vegan methods of fertilization:
    I suspect that some of my local farmers use poultry or pig droppings, because those are the animals who are raised locally. There is actually a movement in the UK that supports vegan organic methods of farming that do not rely on animal manure:

    2. I have no idea what my farmers use their money for, but I know that some of them raise animals and some of them likely buy meat. At least one of my farmers is vegetarian. But you know, the same could be said about anything. Today, I found out that carries fois gras, so I’m having a difficult time completing the purchase on the organic onion powder in my cart. 🙁

    3. Enjoy the abandoned honey.

    4. You can drink the milk if you want. I have no pet or sacred cows, nor do I have the need to drink milk.

    5. There are plenty of vegans who rescue and care for animals. There’s a whole directory of organizations here:

    Salette Andrews
    December 12, 2013 at 2:12 pm

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