Should i feed my dogs something else?

Filed under: Poultry |

feed chickens
Image by ILMO JOE
World Bird Sanctuary

Question by sooooo angry: Should i feed my dogs something else?
I feed them chicken mostely. Hearts, gizzards and livers. I do give supplements in tables form. Do you guys think its good enough?
I do feed vegies as well as meaty bone, but always cooked.

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8 Responses to Should i feed my dogs something else?

  1. So you are feeding raw, correct?

    If so, then no, feeding chicken as your only meat protein source is probably not the best idea. Dogs need variety. I would suggest you introduce pork, beef, venison, game birds, turkey, lamb, etc., as well as oily fish, tripe, eggs and the occasional veggie mush.

    April 19, 2013 at 1:41 am

  2. no should definately switch to an all natural dog food or anything holistic i dont trust commercial foods anymore as they are killing our pets and giving them cancer and as for me and my house we will continue to feed all natural foods.

    Kate M
    April 19, 2013 at 2:02 am

  3. My understanding is that dogs need carbohydrate and some vegetable content as well so adding a good quality biscuit mixer and some veg (like carrots) should help to make this diet complete. However, it is probably safest to feed commercial dog foods, either tinned with mixer or complete food (which can get boring) to ensure that all your dogs’ nutritional needs are being met.

    April 19, 2013 at 2:25 am

  4. No, dogs need a more varied diet, if you want to feed raw foods try a complete one like Prairie, Steves or Nature Variety or get on a raw food diet list online. Do you think just chicken is a good enough diet for you? I feed mostly a top dry but do feed veggies, steamed,canned, and Natures Variety. I also give the dogs coat oil, Vit C and E plus the 2 older ones get Glycoflex 3.

    April 19, 2013 at 2:44 am

  5. What you are doing is not killing your dogs but they do need more variety. Try to find some other foods like pork necks, turkey parts, beef liver is cheap and better then chicken livers. Organs should only be fed in small amounts once or twice a week. They should also get a non bone meal a couple of times a week. Ground turkey or cheap hamburger. You should also feed them a fish meal once a week or once every 2 weeks. Fresh red fish (salmon or mackeral is best) but if you can’t get fresh or can’t afford fresh then you can substitute with canned mackeral and salmon. You can buy those at a fairly low cost. If you look for deals! Even dollar general sells canned salmon and mackeral. The fish provides omegas. You can buy beef hearts and kidneys and all kinds of weird stuff at Super WalMart stores. Look in the meat department of your grocery in areas that you normally don’t look and find some odds and ends for a low price.
    Call local butchers in the area and see what they have in scrap.. ask what they do with it and if you can have it. Some butchers will give away whole beef livers if you tell them you will cut it up.
    Be a scavenger and find as much variety as you can.

    LOVE it when people who feed the same old kibble day in and day out for years tell you the feeder of fresh raw meaty bones that your dog needs more variety! LOL At least you are not feeding your dog crapinabag of unknowns! You have not harmed your dogs at all. Just find some other things to feed also.
    Your dog does not need carbs, veggies or any of the other stuff that those kibble feeders are acting like they know something here. Feeding a dog is not a science. That is a kibble maker claim on balance and complete yaddy yadda yadda. NO species eats or requires to eat a balanced meal at every meal. Don’t let uneducated people on this subject try to educate you! lol

    Do not feed cooked meaty bones. The nutrition is cooked out and the bones become brittle. Feed all the food raw. It’s what nature intended for dogs.

    April 19, 2013 at 3:22 am

  6. Here’s a Yahoo Group that talks about this. Talks about all raw and home cooked for pets. They can teach you a balanced diet.

    Great Dane Lady
    April 19, 2013 at 4:17 am


    The only things I see wrong are the veggies (dogs lack the enzymes to digest them, so why waste your time and money feeding them, the supplements (unless it is Omega 3 capsules), and they need some variety. Other meats like fish, pork, beef, venison, etc.

    Yahoo Groups: Rawfeeding they are lots of help to those feeding a raw diet to their pets.

    Good luck, and don’t listen to all those people telling you to feed crap in a bag. If they only knew what was really in dog food; they would not be so eager to feed it to their pets.

    April 19, 2013 at 4:26 am

  8. Definitly not good enough. Dog need different things in their diet than just meat. they need carbohydrates for energy. Oils for their coats and skin. they need vegetables for rufage. In other words they need a balanced diet just like you. It can add to their life span. you can always give them the chicken as a treat but not as a complete diet. you can take beef livers or chicken livers boil for 2-3 mins. cut into bit sized pieces and cook in a 250 degree oven for 2hrs for a great treat or training jerky. but they need a complete diet.

    April 19, 2013 at 5:17 am

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