Raising ducks?!?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by ccharmon
There are two ducks sitting right outside my door. Apparently they were babies born here last year and are likely back to lay eggs and raise their own baby ducks!

Question by Julie: Raising ducks?!?
I have two ducks. One is an Indian Runner, and one is a Blue Swedish, they are about 3 weeks old. They poop everywhere all the time, and I wanted help with how to potty train them. Also, they recently had like diarrhea and I think they might be sick, but I dont know. But if you know how to potty train them, please tell me.
Well, i used to have a bunny and bunnies cant control when they poop but i potty trained him, i just put some of his poop in a litter box, and something just clicked, and he always pooped in that litter box, of course there were some accidents sometimes, but i think you can do that to a duck.
Well, i used to have a bunny and bunnies cant control when they poop but i potty trained him, i just put some of his poop in a litter box, and something just clicked, and he always pooped in that litter box, of course there were some accidents sometimes, but i think you can do that to a duck.

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2 Responses to Raising ducks?!?

  1. It is IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!! to potty train a duck.
    They have NO control of where they go to the bathroom.
    They do not have the mucsles to hold it in.
    SO you cant potty train’em.
    If you think your duck is sick then you have to take it to a specialized Avian vet, that knows how to work with ducks.
    If you are really worried about the poop you can use duck diapers. ( just google “duck diapers ” )
    But really, ducks belong outside. Once they are a month old build them a pen and keep them outside. DUCKS ARE NOT INDOOR PETS!!!

    August 10, 2011 at 7:14 pm

  2. The poop is just going to get worse. If you cant keep up with it now your probably not set up to have ducks as pets. What they are eating has a lot to do with the type of feces they have. What color is the poop? Ducks can carry parasites like coccidia and that can often change the consistency fo their poop.

    As the person already stated above ducks do not have a spintcer muscle and therfore have no way to control the urge to defecate. That is an adaptation for flight. Birds eliminte sources of weight to make them able to fly.

    August 10, 2011 at 7:53 pm

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