Organic farming on college campus to cut costs?

Filed under: Farming |

organic farming
Image by caseorganic
@yogacowgirls runs a fantastic organic farm.

@yogacowgirls runs a fantastic organic farm in Portland, Oregon.

Question by redsparrow226: Organic farming on college campus to cut costs?
So, I’m writing a research proposal for English.

We’re supposed to go along the lines of finding ways to promote environmentally friendly living our college campus.

My idea is that our college should devote some of the land (where they’re bulldozing eight dorms) to grow houses and farm land. Organic farming could help promote healthier living, If they develop a class to teach the students about hands-on organic farming, then the university could utilize what is grown for their own use. Not only would students be educated about organic foods and farming, but the university could use these foods and hopefully promote the local economy by buying from our area.

Does this sound decent? Any tips? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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4 Responses to Organic farming on college campus to cut costs?

  1. It wouldn’t be a completely terrible idea. Organic requires a lot of labor and there would be a ready source of it with all of the college students there. However, the final product would probably be more expensive to grow than actually buy.

    September 30, 2011 at 4:44 am

  2. Organic farm land will benefit both students and local community. The aim towards the benefit of both school and community is great. On the other hand, it may be costing schools rather than saving money since organic farming takes a lot of effort to maintain.

    So, how about these ideas;

    1. Renting farm land out to local organic farmers and associate with them, so that they can assist agriculture classes and provide study materials.

    2. Hire local organic farmers to maintain the farm. Students can get hands on experiences and study the farm. Distribute the harvested vegetables to local community. Community can donate to the school to keep the service.

    3. Get funded to build a research facility to develop future organic farming methods. Something like this.

    September 30, 2011 at 4:57 am

  3. This sounds like a good research project, if a bit ambitious. Will the detritus from the demolished buildings support crops? What needs to be done to erect the greenhouses? What kind of soil preparation will be required? Is there a water source nearby, and can it supply enough for the proposed project? What crops are proposed? What nutrients will they need, how will these nutrients be supplied, and what sources are available? Will any sort of air conditioning be required for any of the proposed crops (more or less humidity, temperature control, special lighting, growing season)? What safeguards will be needed to prevent disease and cross-contamination? What crops can be grown at your latitude and elevation without greenhouse protection? Are there crops that have growing seasons equivalent to quarters, semesters, or trimesters? Should there be long-term projects such as fruit or nut trees? How should courses be arranged?

    September 30, 2011 at 5:40 am

  4. Michigan State University has a student organic farm.

    Bob B
    September 30, 2011 at 6:23 am

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