Organic Farming. Are there any peer reviewed studies in a well respected scientific?

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organic farming
Image by istolethetv
Mcenroe Organic Farm at the new amsterdam market ( september 13, 2009.

Question by Gomer P: Organic Farming. Are there any peer reviewed studies in a well respected scientific?
respected scientific journal that show organic foods to be “healthier” than non organic foods? Most of the work I have come across is paid for by the organic farming industry.

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2 Responses to Organic Farming. Are there any peer reviewed studies in a well respected scientific?

  1. There are studies that show/prove TRUE organics have more vitamins, and trace minerals for you. Sorry, I recieve a lot of agricultural type periodicals, since I’m a small farmer….you will not have access to them, and most would be hard for you to track down.

    The “organics” that are mass produced for the big box store market are really not that different from the conventional stuff. Just a bit fewer chemicals on them.

    True organics, grown by small farmers, and gardners are a world of difference, when done correctly.

    We live on a permaculture farm. Everything is returned back to the soil. Our soil is not being robbed of minerals, and nutrients. We have a THRIVING microsopic bacterial life on our farm….same as in nature. Even animals that die on our farm are composted, and returned to the soil.

    You can look at the soil of a conventional modern farm. The soil is greyish, and if you take up a handful, you will be hardpressed to find life in it. Our soil is black, and smells rich and moiste. You will have many critters you can see, and many you cannot see wiggling about in your hand.

    You can take anything we grow, and compair it to ANY grocery store, or mass produced organic….even a laymen will be able to see, SMELL, and taste the difference. If you hold a grocery store tomato (organic or not) right up to your nose, you MIGHT smell the tomato. On our farm, you can walk out the door on a warm day, and be hit immediately with the strong scents of the vegtables. You can open our regrigerator, and be hit with a blast of delicious smells of all the fresh (but chilled) vegtables inside.

    TRUE organics are completely different from anything most people ever eat. The yokes on our chicken eggs are orange (beta carotenes). The fats in our eggs are actually GOOD for you, unlike the fats of the mass raised, grain fed chickens.

    I’m sorry I cannot dirrect you toward actual scientific articles….I can only tell you that REAL organics really are better for you.

    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

    July 4, 2011 at 3:18 pm

  2. It is almost impossible to set up the conditions for a peer reviewed science evaluation.
    I would love to see a testing protocol that would establish any superiority for organic agriculture.

    I know very well that my organic walnut crop is not nutritionally superior to what it was before certification, and it is far smaller crop. So what am I really doing for my customer?

    July 4, 2011 at 3:18 pm

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