Lots of questions about raising ducks please help!?

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Question by Falalala43: Lots of questions about raising ducks please help!?
I’m really interested in raising probably 3 to 4 ducklings. i have ample room in my backyard but i do have a pool. i’ve researched a lot and know how to take care of them when they’re baby ducklings because some of my friends have done it. but when they grow up is it ok to let them out in my backyard? (they will be pekins so they can’t fly) and how would i go about discouraging them from going in the pool? i have a place for them to swim so how do i keep them in there? also would a chicken coop be ok to keep them in at night? thanks!

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2 Responses to Lots of questions about raising ducks please help!?

  1. First, while they’re ducklings, don’t let them in the water. Ducks have an oil gland that they use to spread oil on their feathers to keep them warm while swimming and until they are all feathers without down, they can freeze because baby birds (of any species) are very fragile. Keep them above 70 degrees, the warmer, the better. As far as your pool goes, the ducks will have to be blocked from it, nothing will discourage them. Also keep in mind that if they have another place to swim (I once used a kiddie pool) that it will have to be hosed out and washed regularly. Also Pekins and larger ducks can fly a little, they can get about 4 ft off the ground, so if you block off the pool, you will have to use a fence or something similar. That is the only way to discourage them because they’ll fly over any obstacles. And a coop works great, that’s what I used. We had them behind chain link fencing so other animals couldn’t harm them when they were playing. Good luck and have fun!

    April 5, 2012 at 11:05 am

  2. if they are ducklings dont take them outside unless it is at least 70degrees F.
    you can not keep them out of the pool theyre natural insticts tell them to go to water so you will probaly will need to keep them in a fenced off area or you can just block off the pool. my pekin duck can fly about 3 feet so you wil have to have the fence at least 4-5 feet to keep them from getting over. when your ducks are ready to swim they will start hopping in there water dish (they also poop in their water dish) so you will have to clean it more because it will get dirty fast

    fish kid
    April 5, 2012 at 11:31 am

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