Is the Government Trying to Criminalize Backyard Gardening and Organic Farming?

Filed under: Farming |

organic farming
Image by larkspurlazuli

Question by Gay for Obama: Is the Government Trying to Criminalize Backyard Gardening and Organic Farming?
According to HR875 and S425 Oraganic Farmers and Backyard Gardeners will have to use the same genetically modified seeds and spray the same Corporate back pesticides as the corporate farming conglomerates if they wish to grow food……

Does Obama support this, will he sign the bill ???


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6 Responses to Is the Government Trying to Criminalize Backyard Gardening and Organic Farming?

  1. No. Read the bill.

    February 6, 2012 at 11:03 pm

  2. What the…

    February 6, 2012 at 11:50 pm

  3. Yes they are.

    And when the depression hits you will be arrested by jackboots for growing your own food. It is all part of the plan to have everyone dependent upon the government for everything. We are going to have troubling times ahead. Good luck.

    William F
    February 7, 2012 at 12:48 am

  4. The rules for Organic farming has always been ridiculous. There is a court rulin that if Genetically modified seeds contamianted a nearby farm, and that farm uses that seed thy need to pay Monsanto or who ever owns the patent on the seed.
    Edit: I agree with the guy above. It’s cheaper to buy food then to grow it yourself, now. Of course my theory is farmed food is less healthy and is one of the reason for obesity.

    February 7, 2012 at 1:43 am

  5. Generally bills are long and have various hidden agendas porked into them.

    This case being if you have to buy genetically modified fruits and vegetables from a corporation then you’re forced to buy from someone each season. Especially since corporate GM crops do not ‘seed’ after they ripen.

    February 7, 2012 at 2:17 am

  6. LOL, that is not what the bill says. However, I agree with some people here that agribusiness has made a lot of money off “organic” farming. But that is good when business makes money, isn’t it..

    Your link doesn’t work, by the way.

    February 7, 2012 at 2:38 am

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