Is synthetic Potassium Sulfate approved for organic farming?

Filed under: Farming |

Question by Phosy: Is synthetic Potassium Sulfate approved for organic farming?
I have read where naturally occurring and synthetic SOP are identical, how can you know which is which? I believe naturally occurring SOP is approved for organic use as it comes straight out of the ground.

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One Response to Is synthetic Potassium Sulfate approved for organic farming?

  1. You can’t tell the difference and the plants can’t tell the difference but that doesn’t mean anything to organic.

    Organic theory would say there is a natural life force in the mined rock that is missing from the synthetically made and that would nourish the life force of the plants that would in turn nourish your life force.

    Feel free to substitute aura for life force.

    It doesn’t matter to organic people that both products are identical in every respect you can measure, they are not doing this based on science, it’s foundation is New Age religion. If you are a believer, then there is a difference. You can’t measure it though some claim they can read it’s aura, but you of course can’t. But you must believe it’s different because you chose to believe it’s different.

    For organic certification, they couldn’t tell the difference but do audits of receipts and such for fertilizer. As far as people selling fertilizer. Well, who knows. If you took the synthetic and messed it up so it wasn’t nice granules, who could tell?

    The food produced is the same way. Before he got to old to make the trip we used to have a certified organic farmer come through several times a year. He grew a quarter of certified durum. But he sold many times that. He had an old truck and would buy the scabbiest poorest durum he could find and haul it to California and sell it for top dollar meaning often ten times what he paid for it. As long as he brought poor stuff, they didn’t question it. He bought top milling durum one time and they questioned him seriously because they never saw nice stuff like that.

    Nothing in the system audited how much he sold. As long as he didn’t sell an unreasonable amount to one place, no one was suspicious.

    Now a days, it’s China that is doing that big time. See they won’t allow foreigners to inspect Chinese farms, but Chinese certification isn’t accepted. What’s been done is that certifiers sit in port and they just take the paperwork provided and stamp the papers as certified organic. It’s been amazing really how Chinese certified organic production has just exploded. Especially how in one year they found huge acreages that had been farmed organically for years even though normal farming practices are not certifiable as organic. For instance putting human waste on the field is normal in China, but the way they do it is not proper for organic. But when asked, nope they haven’t done it for years, their night pots just magically empty themselves.

    Anyway, that’s enough, just understand you can’t scientifically understand organic. It’s New Age religion mixed with anitestablishmentarianism and a dozen other things.


    March 2, 2012 at 5:02 pm

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