I raise goats for stock shows. How do I stop from getting emotionally attached to my goats?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by Michael: I raise goats for stock shows. How do I stop from getting emotionally attached to my goats?
I started showing goats this year and my county stock show is in 4 days and im saddened by losing my goats. What are some things to help me from getting emotionally attached and getting over my goats leaving me? Thanks

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4 Responses to I raise goats for stock shows. How do I stop from getting emotionally attached to my goats?

  1. hi
    there is really no easy way
    i get attached to my animals alot i have been raising them for over 10 years
    and still get way to attached and then when it comes time to sale them
    i just focuse on my other animals (if you have other animals)

    sorry not really good answer

    October 5, 2011 at 4:25 pm

  2. It stinks that showing means you will have to sell your goats, but try to think of the positive experiences you are gaining.

    – You’re having fun showing and learning how to raise and care for your goats.
    – Assuming you’re in 4-H and selling animals at auction, you’re earning money for college.
    – You get to be around a lot of other people who love and care for goats, and have probably gone through the same thing as you.

    Realize that it’s OK to be sad. You worked hard with your goats to get them ready to show, and you’re proud of your work. But being able to see through the sad parts to the beneficial parts is a big sign of maturity, and even adults with many years of experience have a hard time letting go sometimes. Be glad for the experiences you’ve had, and the benefits that your goats will bring to other people who are buying them.

    October 5, 2011 at 4:49 pm

  3. I was tought when I was young that it was ok to eat, or sale our animals for food. we had our first two heifers. one got really bad pink eye and we ate them both. It was sad, but after a few years of eating or saling our animals for butcher.

    I know by experiance that the first year is the hardest. after that it gets easier to sale them. I’ve raised and sold steers for 5 or 6 years. look at it this way, if you give an animal a good life then its ok to eat them or sale them to eat. god wouldnt make it that way if it wasn’t ok. (coming from someone who isnt very religious) and that by saling these goats its making room for more goats.

    October 5, 2011 at 5:12 pm

  4. Your really lucky to have people to help you through something like losing a goat, but I’m only 16 I just lost a baby duck that was less then four weeks old and I didn’t even say good bye. it’s only just died and herre i am sitting in my room balling my eyes out. You should be greatful that you at least get a good bye i didn’t even get that.

    December 21, 2011 at 4:18 am

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