how much does goat milk cost when bought from the goat farm?

Filed under: Goats |

goat milk
Image by zyphichore
it was soiled (just a bit)..

Question by Charity P: how much does goat milk cost when bought from the goat farm?
Do the farms sell it raw? What breed of goat is used most for milk?
how much milk do you get?

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3 Responses to how much does goat milk cost when bought from the goat farm?

  1. hmmm……….i live on a farm for half the year with my dad and we have goats…..but im not sure what breed they are..but we used to milk our goats and sell it to the neighbours and its fresh and un pasturised but i dont know where you are (Canada/USA) but you should be able to get it from a dairy farm somewhere……. and i dont remember how much you would get or the costs because we did it when i was quite young (5-8……… now 14) but yeahh just look for a local dairy farm and they will be able to help you!! =D hope you find what your looking for =D

    December 1, 2011 at 4:05 pm

  2. Each state has different laws regarding the sales of raw milk. YOu can check for the law in your state here

    Raw milk from the farm can run from 10-20.00 per gallon

    Dairy goats can be Alpines, Saanens, Toggenburgs, Lamanchas,..etc.

    A good doe should produce over 1800 lbs (3 quarts per day average ) over a 310 day lactation.

    sarah s
    December 1, 2011 at 4:30 pm

  3. Like sarah s said, the laws for selling raw milk depend on the state. is a great website to find information on it.

    I have seen goats milk sell from $ 3 a gallon to $ 18 a gallon. It depends on who is selling it and where they are located.

    There are 6 breeds of large dairy goats – Alpine, LaMancha (earless), Nubian (long floppy ears), Toggenburg, Sannen, and Oberhasli. There is a miniature breed of dairy goat that only gets about 19-20 inches tall at the shoulder – the Nigerian Dwarf. Then there are mid-size dairy breeds which combine the Nigerian Dwarf with one of the larger breeds to get the look of the larger breed in a smaller, more efficient body. These mini breeds tend to milk about 2/3rd’s the amount as a full size on about half the feed. Their milk is also very rich.

    The amount of milk produced by each doe (female goat) depends on the breed and the individual goat. My MiniNubian does give around 1/2 to 1 gallon of milk a day.

    December 1, 2011 at 4:47 pm

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