how do you cure diarrhea in a baby pig?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by soccer5: how do you cure diarrhea in a baby pig?
We have 2 baby wild boar. We estimate them to be about 2-3 weeks old. We got them 2/8/13. We have been feeding them Goats milk. On 2/10, we supplemented their food with water and let them eat leftovers off of an ear of corn. We added baby rice cereal on 2/11 but they didnt like it. I am back to just Goats milk because the smaller one (we believe was the runt) is having runny poo. What can I do to cure the upset stomach and make sure she is not sick? Is there something else they should be eating at this age?

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One Response to how do you cure diarrhea in a baby pig?

  1. Instructions

    Keep your piglet warm and secure at all times, during feedings and any other activity. Pigs this young have not been adequately weaned from their mothers. They are not yet able to generate body heat for themselves, so they depend on an outside force. Handle the piglet carefully and gently, reassuring it with warmth, with a steady external temperature of about 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Use a lamp or a pad to keep them warm offer them old stuff toys to lay with to keep warmth around them .The piglet is likely to feel very scared and lost away from its natural mother. Handle the milk bottle delicately. Use goat’s milk in the bottle, and feed about 1/2 oz. at a time, or 2 to 3 tbsp.

    Feed your baby pig once every three or four hours, as long as it is willing and able to take the frequent feedings. Because piglet stomachs require very little milk to reach capacity, feedings should take place often during the very beginning of the pig’s development to ensure it’s getting the proper nourishment. These little creatures only take in a bit of milk at a time, so it’s important to adhere to a regular schedule.

    Increase the amount of goat’s milk you feed the piglet very gradually each day, in accordance with the baby pig’s ability to handle the nourishment without overfeeding and getting diarrhea. After a few days of bottle feeding, switch the bottle out for a shallow pan or tray filled with milk. Gently place the piglet’s nose in the milk for each feeding in order to train it to feed itself. Wean your piglet off of its milk at around 28 days old, or 13 lbs. in weight.

    September 26, 2013 at 4:57 am

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