How do i get rid of Scalp Ring Worm?

Filed under: Worms-Vermicompost |

Question by Michelle M.: How do i get rid of Scalp Ring Worm?
My 6 yr old son has Scalp Ring Worm and i can not get rid of it. I have used all the cream prescribed to me, he has been taking the oral medication for about 3 weeks now and i use medicated selsun blue EVERY night before he goes to bed. He started off with 1 now he has 7. The first one he got is 4 inches now. Does anyone have any advice for me??

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4 Responses to How do i get rid of Scalp Ring Worm?

  1. blue star ointment

    January 5, 2012 at 6:43 am

  2. it’ll be extremely hard because its on his scalp (unless he doesnt have hair), but i heard putting clear nail polish on ringworm everyday kills it.
    also, let your doc know the stuff isn’t working and he may be able to prescribe something stronger…

    January 5, 2012 at 7:03 am

  3. do you have cats in the house? many cats are silent carriers of this fungus.and it sounds like hes still being exposed have you totally cleaned your house and you should bleach his pillow like every Other day and the same to his bed sheets until this is cleared up the other thing that would worry me about not only him getting RW it continuing to get worse is is he immune compromised?
    Take him back to the DR you should be seeing improvement by now and watch him closely as the oral anti fungals can be very liver toxic …watch for signs of jaundice yellowing of skin or whites of eyes ..

    January 5, 2012 at 7:30 am

  4. Hi im on the oral medication for it too, and 3 weeks is nothing it takes months to start showing an improvement as when its on the scalp it is a deep infection, and that’s why the shampoo and creams your using wont do anything it cant get to the infection as its under the skin,and we don’t have a very good blood supply to the scalp that’s why it takes ages! so you could massage his scalp to improve the blood supply this will help the with the oral medication, the shampoo wont do any good in fact it can irritate it making it more sore and itchy! so i stick to a mild shampoo that’s not perfumed at all and it helps,another thing avoid washing his hair in water that is to hot as this makes it more flaky and crusty, so only use tepid water, so too does using a hair dryer so avoid that too and let it dry naturally another thing eating too many sweet foods delays it as ring worm(fungus)thrives on it,and another tip dont let him scratch it, as this makes the infection spread maybe thats why he has more of them,i hope i have been a bit help full to you!

    January 5, 2012 at 8:25 am

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