How do I ask my boss for a raise?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by J-W Brown
1st Shalford Scout’s Fete for 2011, 5th June 2011. The Fete is held on the Cricket Pitch on Shalford Common, Shalford, Surrey, UK.
One of my Cub Scouts looking after the Hook a Duck stall. We had about 5 to 7 cm of water in the bottom of the canoe.

Question by lexiky: How do I ask my boss for a raise?
I never missed a day of work and it was discussed that I would get one after a year. Well a year has past and no sign of a raise. I never see my boss because our hours are opposite. I really think I deserve a raise. I’m a great masssage therapist. I have 10 years experience. They just hired a new massage therapist. She’s right out of school and she’s getting paid the same as me. How should I ask for what I deserve?

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2 Responses to How do I ask my boss for a raise?

  1. The sensible way to arrange this would be to ask the boss if you could come speak with him/her. If he/she gives you the go ahead, I would come in even on my time off for this with some things in hand.

    First, I would make sure that I had all of my ducks in a row.
    – List how long you have been employeed with the company
    – List what accomplishment’s you have done/earned over the past year and why you feel you are eligible for a raise

    and then honestly approach the boss and explain why you feel those things above. If you go in with the “I want a raise” attitude, you will probably come out empty handed.

    You should go in with the “I want more incentive to stay here” attitude. And forget the whole “she makes the same as I do” speech, it will get you no sympathy from the boss.

    You have to remember that in a time like this during the economy crisis, money is not growing on tree’s and most companies are cutting back on their spending. your boss may explain the reason behind you not getting a raise is because of that, and who can fault them?

    Best of Luck!

    August 17, 2013 at 3:14 am

  2. If you have a employment contract you should be able to see when you are due for a raise. I personally would simply make an appointment with the boss and ask the dreaded question.

    August 17, 2013 at 3:32 am

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