home remedies for getting rid of and preventing ring worm in humans?

Filed under: Worms-Vermicompost |

worm bed
Image by Vermi Chaval
styrofoam "take out" containers are used to line the tub to allow for air circulation around the bedding material and allow for easy inspection of moisture saturation at bottom of bedding
units are scored or cut to allow them to be compressed easily

Question by needhelp: home remedies for getting rid of and preventing ring worm in humans?
my daughter keeps getting ringworm, we keep on decontaminating all her clothes toys and bed, but it keeps coming back, i think she is picking it up from a local cat or dog as we dont own any pets.
does any1 have any other remedies to get rid of it from her body without using a cream from the chemist

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3 Responses to home remedies for getting rid of and preventing ring worm in humans?

  1. Any remedy for athlete’s foot .
    i was told by a vet ,to use it on my daughter ,we used to have cat’s ,and she always had ring worm ,guess what it never came back .
    do it for a good week ,i used the cream .
    good luck .

    Mrs David.
    February 2, 2012 at 5:48 pm

  2. Here is a home remedy I found:

    A folk remedy for ringworm is a 1:1 solution of cider vinegar and water. Another alternative is 2 drops of tea tree oil mixed with an ounce of water.

    I don’t know if this works or not but I know that you can buy anti fungal cream or sprays from any pharmacy and use it to treat ringworm. If its a bad infection then it would be best to see the Dr for oral drugs.

    As for reinfestation I know the spores that cause ringworm can live in the house for up to a year so it’s important to clean the entire house. Wash anything that can be washed and It can be hard to get rid of the spores in your home. Here are some tips that may help:

    This is why treatment for ringworm must also include a thorough house cleaning to rid the home of any spores that could reinfect you or your cat. This can be done by disinfecting your home using a dilute chlorine (.5%) bleach solution (this must include all furniture, carpeting etc.). Remove and replace all used air filters in the home. Thorough vacuuming of the carpeting and subsequent removal of the vacuum bags can also assist in ridding the home of spores.

    Also, it’s important to try to find the cause. If you do not have any pets and you think this came from a pet then make sure you tell your daughter not to pet any strange animals until this thing is taken care of. Also, I read it doesn’t have to be from a pet it can come from another person or even the soil.

    Hope I helped.

    I had ringworm before. My older cat had it and I got it and we shampooed him with anti fungal shampooed and clean the house good and treated our spots with cream and it was gone. Good Luck.

    February 2, 2012 at 5:58 pm

  3. Anti fungal cream usually used for athletes foot. Or iodine thats what my Dr. told me when my kids got it from a kitten.

    February 2, 2012 at 6:55 pm

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