found tiny white caterpillar looking worm on puppy bed and another fell when we brushed her.?

Filed under: Worms-Vermicompost |

worm bed
Image by Tim Musson
On top of the newspaper bedding there’s a very thin layer of food scraps, then a covering of soil plus worms.

I’m using tiger worms (red wigglers, Eisenia fetida), originally found via freecycle. Plain old New Zealand earthworms are not good for this kind of composting.

Question by beeb: found tiny white caterpillar looking worm on puppy bed and another fell when we brushed her.?
is it something we should worry about. i started thinking of mange, worms etc. she’s had two of her shots so far. she’s about 3 months old. no symptoms of illness

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7 Responses to found tiny white caterpillar looking worm on puppy bed and another fell when we brushed her.?

  1. it may be a worm that can seriously harm the health of your dog.

    go to a vet just to make sure.

    Rebeccaaaaa (:
    October 22, 2011 at 6:13 am

  2. honestly and i hope i’m way off here. but that sounds like a maggot. they are white, have a catapillar like appearance. they can develop on a dog within 12 hours. although the larger ones take longer.

    check your puppy over fully, mouth, ears, rectum, everywhere. look for sores or a bad smell. if you find more of these nasty critters then vet now. if you can’t get to a vet wash the infested area in a baby shampoo and make sure it’s clean and free of the critters until morning and then vet ASAP.

    i just hope your puppy got into something already dead and it’s not maggots actually on your dog but rather leftoever ones from something else.

    but either way throughly check over your dog. they may not be showing any illness symptoms at this moment but something could have happened that you haven’t noticed yet. and the sooner you treat it the better. a pup this young can become ill quick.

    now if it’s a flat wide worm that looks like rice as well and you find more stuck to the hair around the rectum of your puppy, or on the stool then it could be a tapeworm. this still requires a vet check. no dewormer over the counter will get rid of tapeworms. they are carried by fleas, and a vet prescribed dewormer and flea control from your vet is what’s best for them.

    but either way a vet visit is in order. take one of these creatures in with you for the vet to look at.

    bad kitty
    October 22, 2011 at 6:30 am

  3. It might just be a grub that was stuck on your dog’s fur, or it could be something much worse. I’d reccomend a vet too. Just to make sure that it isn’t worms. Your dog might have had his shots, but it’s possible that they might not be working (for whatever reason). That should also be checked by the vet too.

    R T
    October 22, 2011 at 7:19 am

  4. if she recently had an injury with broken skin or has poop stuck to her it could be maggots they are very unpleasant you might think about asking the vet just to be sure…

    Real Deal CowGirl
    October 22, 2011 at 8:13 am

  5. I think you found a segment of a tapeworm:go to the vet, ask to de-worm your puppy.The regular deworming meds kill roundworms.Tapeworms need a separate drug(to kill the tapeworm)

    October 22, 2011 at 8:59 am

  6. It sounds like worms/maggots. Check for any small infected wound somewhere on the body.

    I would in any case show the dog to a vet.

    October 22, 2011 at 9:25 am

  7. Are they wooly worms? from the coat? You need to have her shaved.
    Some dogs with long matted coats get wool worms. The only way to deal with them is to shave the dog and then treat with a dip.

    October 22, 2011 at 9:47 am

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