Does anyone have a template for excel or word they use for planning their square foot gardening?

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square foot gardening
Image by mrmole
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Question by paty t: Does anyone have a template for excel or word they use for planning their square foot gardening?
Does anyone have a template for excel or word they use for planning their square foot gardening?

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One Response to Does anyone have a template for excel or word they use for planning their square foot gardening?

  1. You can easily create your own by making the individual cells approximately square. Do this by going to the extreme left side of the page and left clicking and holding on the intersection of the two cells and dragging the cell separation to the desired size. Once you have all the cells opened to their final size you can make the cells indicating planted rows green (or any other color) and the pathways brown (or any other color). You can write the plant variety in each cell, or merge several cells as a row and label the rows. When you finish you will have your own layout based on your own garden instead of modifying something that represents a garden you will probably never see. You can also add in for any future expansion you may have planned or locate existing trees/bushes, etc.
    Since excel opens as a three page workbook you can use the second and third pages (and add pages if needed) as a garden journal. You can use notes to keep track by variety, planting date, harvest date, harvest amount, what did well and what did poorly, fertilize applications, etc. All tailored to your exact garden. By creating your own you eliminate the possibly downloading a virus from someones computer or from online.

    Good luck and enjoy!

    April 28, 2011 at 5:01 am

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