Contrast in the inputs needed for plantation agriculture and hydroponics?

Filed under: Aquaponics |

Image by Sean Hillmeyer

Question by : Contrast in the inputs needed for plantation agriculture and hydroponics?
Help. I need 5 OF THEM. REMEMBER, JUST 5.
An example:

One contrast between the inputs used for hydroponics and plantation agriculture is the area of land used. For hydroponics, only a small area of land is needed. However, for plantation agriculture, a large area of land is needed.

Yup, something like that. Please only give me the inputs, not the normal contrast between both of them.

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One Response to Contrast in the inputs needed for plantation agriculture and hydroponics?

  1. Hi XH.

    First, human inputs for hydroponics are high, and need skilled-labour, whereas, only cheap labour is required for plantation agriculture.

    Secondly, the physical inputs are different. For hydroponics, only shade/sunlight is required, while for plantation agriculture, climatic conditions that are suitable for crops are required.

    Another contrast between the inputs used for hydroponics and plantation agriculture is the area of land used. For hydroponics, only a small area of land is needed. However, for plantation agriculture, a large area of land is needed. (Your answer, I have a more detailed answer.)

    However, there are also some inputs for hydroponics and plantation agriculture which are similar. Both hydroponics and plantation agriculture require research and development. R&D is required to improve yields.

    Lastly, there are high capital inputs for both hydroponics and plantation agriculture. In hydroponics, high capital is required to hire workers and educate them properly on hydroponics. Capital is also needed to carry out intense R&D. In plantation agriculture, large land is required, and the rent must be paid.

    Okay! Hope that helps, though I know I’m a day late in helping you. Never mind you can use this for corrections(: Bye!!

    Rachel Tan
    January 8, 2012 at 6:06 pm

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