Backyard chickens. Anyone know of a safe way to make moldy (hay) smelling area smell better?

Filed under: Poultry |

backyard chickens
Image by Rachel Tayse
top to bottom: sussex, australorp, orpington

Question by myrmidon: Backyard chickens. Anyone know of a safe way to make moldy (hay) smelling area smell better?
I want to keep my chickens healthy, and I pick up the waste regularly for the compost, but their area, while large, still gets smelly after a lot of rain, from hay, or if I’ve let food pellets fall on the ground. I’ve scattered powdered lime, is this the best thing? How about a cheap basic clay cat litter? Would this be bad for chickens? I’ve only got ten hens, 3 are bantams. The smell isn’t that bad, but these are backyard city chickens and I don’t want neighbors ro get cranky. Thanks for any help.

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3 Responses to Backyard chickens. Anyone know of a safe way to make moldy (hay) smelling area smell better?

  1. Baking Soda is a safe way to get rid of ordors. We use it in the barn for horses and chickens regularly.

    professor grey
    May 21, 2011 at 7:49 am

  2. Is the hay outside where it can get wet? If so, can’t you move it inside the coop somewhere? Also, I use wood shavings (have never used hay, so I can’t really comment), and it has a lovely smell. My chickens seem to like it, and it’s nice and soft too (softer than hay). I think wood shavings are also less prone to parasites (I could be wrong).

    I think the pellets left out in the rain could cause a bad odour, but two things could happen here to reduce this. Firstly, you could just clean up the pellets if you have left them out in the rain, or your chickens will probably eat them anyway (mine do), and take care of the problem themselves.

    If you know your neighbours well, why don’t you ask them if the smell bothers them or if they can even smell it? They’ll be glad you asked them.

    * tj *
    May 21, 2011 at 7:51 am

  3. When bedding gets wet it will mold. Moldy bedding will make any bird sick. Not to mention bedding with poop in it. You must keep everything as clean as you can. I’m sure there are all kinds of sites on the internet that can help you with care/advice. Surf,Surf,Surf!!!

    May 21, 2011 at 8:47 am

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