Aquaponics (Hydroponics and Aquaculture) … Does anyone have advice. I’m especially looking for blueprints.

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Question by Sui Generis: Aquaponics (Hydroponics and Aquaculture) … Does anyone have advice. I’m especially looking for blueprints.
I’m starting a business and I’ve scoured the internet in search of blueprints and/or groups, communities, and forums designed for aquaponics on a large scale. So far everything I’ve encountered online has been very “backyard farmer”. The small-scale farmers are certainly helpful, but I need help building massive, professional agricultural systems. Where can I find such info and is there an online community to which I can contribute to and benefit from?

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2 Responses to Aquaponics (Hydroponics and Aquaculture) … Does anyone have advice. I’m especially looking for blueprints.

  1. Oh, if you are looking for that information you really need to go to Disneyworld and take a tour of their greenhouse in EPCOT center, they do have a boat ride through the greenhouse…that is good but, not what you will want…you will want to find the stand to take a tour behind the scenes of the greenhouse…then you will ge to see the aparatuses up close and personal. It is really eye opening.

    What they do in EPCOT is use a long rectanguler “raceway” that holds the liquid and then they take like a 1/2 inch styrofoam sheet with a hole cut in it to hold the plants top above the water solution with the roots down in the solution. The nutrient solution is sycled and resycled from one end of the raceway to the other.

    For herbs they do use the PVC pipe version where you have a big PVC Pipe with smaller piping sticking out of it and the plants go in the smaller pipes and the nutrient solution is sycled and resycled from top to bottom.

    They also have fish farming in really huge glass tubes as well and can ‘grow’ a lot of fish that away.

    They grow lots of the vegetables and herbs that are used through out the partk. It would be worth it to either visit or at least call their customer relations and see if they can send you any information on it. Again, it is in the EPCOT greenhouse.

    There are some books on the subject as well…I agree that many of them are geared to small scale farmers but, might give you ideas that you can adapt to fit what you want.

    There is:
    Commercial Hydroponics by John Mason.

    There are more books just type in Hydroponics into amazon and you will get lots of books.

    Jen M
    October 19, 2011 at 12:52 pm

  2. What type of business is it that you wish to start?

    October 19, 2011 at 12:59 pm

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