Answering the Food Inquisitors Pt.1

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In a talk in Canberra in early December 2010, Joel Salatin suggested that just as there was the Religious Inquisition 500 years ago, we’re now experiencing a…

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3 Responses to Answering the Food Inquisitors Pt.1

  1. Actually at this moment half of the globe is starving …. BUT they don’t want us (the many) to be able to grow the food, they want FOOD monopoly AND all the legislation is doing that. If was how the law say, all the humans have been extincted a long time ago by natural food. And for real i don’t see any ill rabbit, dear (wild live) …. THE way of Mr. Salatin is the right way to grow food in harmony with nature, is how it was before and was healthy.

    August 18, 2013 at 4:16 am

  2. – Technology, new or old, should be rejected whenever it does not work. Or if it works less efficiently. The ‘technology’ of soils & life in the rhizosphere is more advanced than anyone on earth yet understands. Also, some new technology, like Joel’s electric fences, merely replaces herders and livestock dogs; the concepts and the management techiques may have been forgotten but are not new.

    August 18, 2013 at 4:22 am

  3. Preach! I love this Mr. Salatin’s attitude. This is the future — not rejecting technology like survivalist cavemen, but bringing infrastructure up to speed with science. Yes, grass-fed beef is better. But the “free market” will never bring it to you without a public commitment. Time for a Manhattan Project for natural farming.

    August 18, 2013 at 5:14 am

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