Would it be a good idea to raise boer goats?

Filed under: Goats |

raise goats
Image by gstef74

Question by SnowWhite: Would it be a good idea to raise boer goats?
I was thinking of raising boer goats but i dont really know the ups and downs. if i should or if i would be doing something that would 1. put me into debt and not be able to get out of with the goatsand
2. would it be to hard to raise them and work my job at the same time?
If anyone has raised or does raise them help me out.

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One Response to Would it be a good idea to raise boer goats?

  1. You never every go into a business that you know nothing about. That is the best rule of thumb that anyone can give you. If you don’t know anything about farming (which is what you’re talking about), or about goats, then you probably shouldn’t even think of this venture.

    It will be possible to keep the day job. However, you’ll be up at 5 am to take care of the goats, and after supper you’ll be out there to take care of them again, ESPECIALLY if you’re milking them. How do you feel about 14-hour days?

    Then, after you get done with all of the care and feeding issues, you still have to run a business — accounting, buying, selling, taxes, etc.

    December 31, 2011 at 4:52 pm

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