what alternatives for babies are there when breast feeding is not possible?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by I love me!: what alternatives for babies are there when breast feeding is not possible?
my baby is just breasfed for comfort. He is 4.5 months old and consumes 32 ounces of formula a day, but I am not trusting the synthetic add ons that are supposed to mimmic breast milk. I do not breast feed my baby because I can not produce enough for him to be satisfied for some time now. So what can I give him instead of formula?

I do feed him formula and baby foods but am just wondering if there is another option to formula? Possible farm fresh goat or cow’s milk?

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4 Responses to what alternatives for babies are there when breast feeding is not possible?

  1. He’s too young for cows milk. All he can really have at the moment is formula and baby food.

    Rae's Momma
    November 26, 2013 at 4:44 pm

  2. Some people sell their breast milk, just google it and I’m sure you can get info on it.

    November 26, 2013 at 5:36 pm

  3. I have heard of babies taking goat’s milk, you might look into it.

    Also, some mother’s make their own baby formula, you should be able to find recipes online.

    My son was formula and breastfed, but my supply is SO low and now he’s not even wanting to latch on. He doesn’t do well on formula though (tons of spit up) but isn’t allergic to dairy or soy (there’s something else in the formula that bothers him), so we actually receive milk from a breast milk donor (she’s been tested for diseases and keeps to a strict diet). She has a baby and an oversupply so we provide her with storage bags and she pumps and freezes, then we pick the milk up and keep it in our freezer and feed it to our baby as needed. He only takes two bottles of formula per day now, one before bed (so he sleeps longer) and one in the morning, the rest of the time he takes breast milk only and it works great for us. Some people think its weird, but no weirder than milk from an animal.

    November 26, 2013 at 6:11 pm

  4. You can always mix a little bit more formula in I guess, but not a lot more in, like maybe half a scoop more or maybe even less, experiment with a bottle to see how much extra is water soluble, too much wont mix in and and leave powder chunks and we don’t want that clogging up the hole and such. My sister was instructed (I am still not sure why) with one child to mix a mix more formula in with the water than instructed, so she started using the liquid formula instead to make that easier to do.

    Go with kelsey’s idea if you have a chance!

    amy g
    November 26, 2013 at 6:28 pm

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