How can I put a kitten to sleep?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by Little J: How can I put a kitten to sleep?
We just bought a new kitten yesterday and she’s 14 weeks old. But the problem is I don’t want to go to bed and just leave her alone to wander around the house.

How can I get her to go to sleep, she won’t sit still right now and is just exploring and jumping everywhere. She doesn’t like to be left alone and follows me too!

We gave her warm goat milk but it obviously didn’t help. She’s biting my leg as I’m typing this and pouncing on me. :/


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6 Responses to How can I put a kitten to sleep?

  1. tire her out, play lots and lots and lots with her prior to going to bed to tucker her out.

    October 15, 2013 at 4:56 pm

  2. You will need to confine her somewhere OUTSIDE your sleeping area; she does not understand that it’s time to sleep for humans, so unless you want to be awakened several dozen times tonight, and unless you WANT her to make a habit of trying to sleep with you, find a place NOW where you can confine her along with food, water, and a litter box, so you can get some sleep! A pet bed warmer is a good thing too, particularly as she gets older.

    It’s just too easy to roll over on a tiny kitten and kill it; until it’s much larger, it should never be in the bed with you or any other adult human.

    Trish JPA and Jewish Pastafarian
    October 15, 2013 at 5:41 pm

  3. Welcome to the world of pet ownership.

    October 15, 2013 at 6:02 pm

  4. Get her a crate and make it her own little spot with bed and some water. Put her in there when it’s time to go to sleep and do this consistently. She’ll eventually learn that being in the crate means it’s sleepy time.

    rae k
    October 15, 2013 at 6:11 pm

  5. Put a rubber band around her neck… whoops, wrong kind of “put to sleep.”

    Play with her a lot to wear her out or give her a big meal; she should get sleepy as her body redirects blood flow to her stomach to aid digestion.

    Mercer Devil
    October 15, 2013 at 6:39 pm

  6. make her a cozy little bed & put a clock in it! The ticking soothes the kitty, reminding her of her mamas heartbeat!

    October 15, 2013 at 6:43 pm

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