What is this pile of worm-like exoskeletons under my bed?

Filed under: Worms-Vermicompost |

worm bed
Image by jeffschuler

Question by YunG DeW: What is this pile of worm-like exoskeletons under my bed?
I started doing a massive cleaning project in my room. Under my bed is pretty dirty, there isn’t food around in my room and its mostly just clothes and old things building up since I’ve had the same room since I ever got my own room. Its not a hoarded clutter and I don’t wake up with bed bug bites or anything.

Anyway, the other week a tiny little worm like bug fell off my kitten onto my girlfriend while she was playing with her (haha). But anyway, I start taking my bed apart and all around a sock and a few books and like an old hat are a bunch of tiny little worm looking exoskeleton things. They are REALLY small and in 1 spot they left a whole pile even. The carpet looked brown but I really just vacuumed it up and the “stain” look was gone. WHAT ARE THEY?

I don’t see any of them living or crawling around my room but in early summer I often get tiny little round bugs around my windows but I don’t know what those are either and they don’t seem related.



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4 Responses to What is this pile of worm-like exoskeletons under my bed?

  1. Aliens.

    Ellie Fae
    November 18, 2011 at 6:04 am

  2. could be maggots or any of a million different bug larvae. Take what you have to an exterminator and they can identify your critter and tell you how to get rid of it.

    November 18, 2011 at 6:41 am

  3. Carpet beetles come in from outside after eating pollen on the plants and lay eggs in the carpet. Their larvae are fuzzy and they eat the carpet and they like to get along the baseboards.
    Vacuuming a lot will pick up the bugs.

    jean ann j
    November 18, 2011 at 7:11 am

  4. without a picture of what you are actually seeing can only guess carpet beetle larvae and the small beetles you found in the window would be the adult.
    here are some shed larvae skins

    November 18, 2011 at 7:30 am

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