Cooke Aquaculture in Chile – Salmones Cupquelan

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Salmones Cupquelan SA is a salmon and trout farming company based in the Cupquelan Fjord in southern Chile. It is owned by Cooke Aquaculutre, a family-owned independent aquaculture company based in Atlantic Canada. The fjord provides a pristine and isolated environment that is surrounded by glaciers and rainforests – a perfect location for top quality production and the implementation of sustainable farming methods. OUR CUPQUELAN SALMON Salmones Cupquelan is the sole operator in the isolated Cupquelan Fjord. This unique environment contributes to enhanced bio-security and excellent fish welfare. The Cupquelan Fjord is 40 km long and the nearest neighbouring farming operation is 75 km away, well outside the fjord. At the head of the fjord, two glacial rivers run down and flow from cliffs into the fjord basin’s waters. This fresh water inflow reduces the salinity in the fjord and creates an excellent environment for salmon and trout to grow. The low salinity also inhibits the propagation of sea lice, adding to the quality of the water and fish welfare.

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