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Question by Ruth w: I cut myself and it has gone blue! why?! please help!? I cut myself and it seemed to get better, but them it started getting deeper, not wider, and raised, and now its gone blue!! Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Question by jackweed: What Does It Feel Like To Be Bitten By A Tarantula? Just curious. I know they’re not venomous but still. Also, would anyone who owns one tell me what it is like raising such an interesting pet? Give your answer to this question below!

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Question by : Really good dubstep songs? anything like Raise Your Weapon by Deadmau5 or Cracks remix by Flux Pavilion Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Question by Joel W: Is this a good idea? The illegal aliens are alreay threatening us.? Arizona’s next Immigration Debate: babies born in the U.S. The effort in Arizona, spearheaded by longtime anti-illegal immigration crusader and incoming state Senate President Russell Pearce, is remarkable for two reasons. First, it moves the focus of the immigration […]

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Question by Juliana M: my friend has fungus and she wats to get rid of it on her back its called teniavesri color its not bad ? she doesnt like it and i want to know if there is a vitamin she needs more of or something. she went to the doctor and they gave […]

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Question by Tired of the Crap~!: OK we have tried all that we can think of! We have cats that keep getting into our raised garden beds? They are vegetable beds and we don’t want them in them! We have tried, rosemary, organe peels, marigolds, the sprays you buy fromHome Depott andLowe’ss. Our last resort […]

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Question by : Do you reckon Wenger was so heartbroken over Fabregas leaving…? He said “Fvck it, lets sell everybody” lol *adopts Cockney wheeler dealer impression* “Pull ya bees out, guv! 10 bob for Bendtner. Throwin’ in Almunia as well. Bish bash bosh, Bob’s yer uncle, sunshine. Lovely jubbly” Can you help? Leave your own […]

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Question by : If i have enough ants in captivity without a queen will they select one? If i have enough ants in captivity without a queen will they select one? ok so say i dug up a huge ant nest, and the queen is killed in the process (i tried digging one up and […]

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Question by semi enlightened: Why isnt Scatman John the most influential person in history? Have you guys heard his song “Scatman”? Thanks in advance for answering. Peace, Love and Blessings! What do you think? Answer below!

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Question by kazagapl: What are your favourite movies? :)? what were they about? Add your own answer in the comments!

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