Why is headscarf policy such a big deal in Turkey?

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Question by Scyllis: Why is headscarf policy such a big deal in Turkey?

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6 Responses to Why is headscarf policy such a big deal in Turkey?

  1. Very short and basic…Its not just a “scarf thing…ppl try to use this as a political andreligiouss symbol.
    That causes trouble and since Turkey is secular country, we try to keepreligiouss and political matter apart from another.
    If we would not, we would turn into a iran like country and we are trying to prevent that. Does it work?
    I dont know…

    Ladybug Queen of Lazistan
    May 6, 2014 at 6:58 am

  2. Its not a big deal ,the headscarf is banned in work and education.

    You can wear it in your private life as much as you want.

    If you don’t like this,then there are countries that want you to wear the headscarf all the time,so move there.

    Turkey had to make an entire new constitution and Republic to stop Islamic backwardness.


    ‘The thing is they have an opinion such that if we let headscarfs, Turkey will be a country managed with religion. They think they will lose secularism. bla blabla….. utopia’

    The whole CONCEPT of secularism is to keep religion removed from the running of a country.If you INSIST on wearing headscarfs,your insisting on Islamic values and customs to be higher than secularism, that’s why headscarfs are banned.The headscarf wearer is dictating that her religious customs are more important than secularity,when those beliefs are in fact only her private beliefs which she practises in her private time,not in work or school.

    ‘An example from me, my gf raised in Lebanon with headscarf. She got top education, masters in Netherlards.’

    Anyone can get a education,an education doesn’t mean you turn into an enlightened human being though does it? Women can wear headscarf’s and learn how to fix cars and get a degree in engineering.But they still cant pray alongside men,they still are discouraged by Islamic influence to dress how they want or to sit in a bar that sells alcohol,or even to marry outside a Muslim family.

    Everything truly progressive about Turkey has been born when Islamic influence has been shut out,that is completely undeniable.Why do you think Ataturk did what he did to Islam when he became President? He saw the dangers of what Islam can do to a modern country .

    Email me if you want.

    May 6, 2014 at 7:35 am

  3. It’s not. Just a fanatic minority and a frantic pack foreign activists whose sole goal is to further the cause of so-called human rights in Turkey out of veeery altruistic (!) reasons obsess over it.

    The Sorceress
    May 6, 2014 at 7:43 am

  4. There are people from left and right. The users above are leftwinger. The thing is they have an opinion such that if we let headscarfs, Turkey will be a country managed with religion. They think they will lose secularism. bla blabla….. utopia

    An example from me, my gf raised in Lebanon with headscarf. She got top education, masters in Netherlards. In Turkey, she wont be able to work or study PHD with her 4 languages. They claim she will destroy secularism if she wont open her head. They say she wear headscarf for political reasons who has no idea about Turkish politics… this is a big loooool.

    There isnt such a country like Turkey where headcovered woman cant work. In Netherlands, they can do anything. Its a human right if a woman dont want to show her hair. In everywhere in Europe, in every other secular muslim country in the world, women can work except Turkey. They are discriminated in Turkey like the black people in 50s….

    I dont know any other secularism disrespecting people’s beliefs. So we rightwingers request this freedom, human right like in any other civilized country.

    May 6, 2014 at 8:39 am

  5. Turkey is a secular country, therefore she has every right to ban any kind of religious propaganda such as head scarf at schools and in government buildings.Since religion and education are diametrically opposed, religion should be kept out of schools and religious people should practice their ancient way of thinking at home.

    May 6, 2014 at 9:13 am

  6. No it is not.I have been in Istanbul and I wore mini shorts and small top.There are many girls that wear like that or even sexier.

    May 6, 2014 at 10:12 am

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