What’s the difference between organic farming and regular farming?is it true chemical fertilizers cause cancer

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Question by Corrin C: What’s the difference between organic farming and regular farming?is it true chemical fertilizers cause cancer

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2 Responses to What’s the difference between organic farming and regular farming?is it true chemical fertilizers cause cancer

  1. No, chemical fertilizers do not cause cancer. it’s just a publicity thing said by some organic manafacturers.

    even though as experience suggests organic fruits and stuff are always better than chemically modified ones.

    and the difference between those is just that some manure products used in farming are chemically based and some are organic.

    Here’s some references for websites offering information on Organic Farming all over the world:






    M S
    February 26, 2012 at 11:02 am

  2. Chemical pesticides and fertilizers can cause cancer, neurological problems, and reproductive problems in sufficient quantities. In general, farm workers are more at risk from these effects than consumers, not that I would consider that a good reason not to buy organic.


    Organic farming is more tightly regulated than conventional farming, although there are still plenty of loopholes for abuse. In general, conventional farmers are more likely to use chemical fertilizers and pesticides to control weeds and insect pests, while organic farmers use natural techniques like crop rotation, diversified plantings, beneficial insects, and more.

    Conventional livestock farmers often keep their livestock confined in inhumane conditions (CAFOs), where they must be fed growth hormones and antibiotics in order to stay healthy. Organic farms are not allowed to feed hormones or treat their animals with routine antibiotics. However, many still use confinement techniques that are inhumane. The best label to look for with animal products is “grassfed” or “grass-finished,” which ensures that the animal spent its whole life on pasture.

    More resources:


    February 26, 2012 at 11:15 am

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