What is an alternative artificial breeding techniques for chickens?

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Question by JO: What is an alternative artificial breeding techniques for chickens?
What is an alternative artificial breeding techniques for chickens?

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3 Responses to What is an alternative artificial breeding techniques for chickens?

  1. same as any other bird I guess…
    tells all about cockatiel breeding and they are related to chickens

    August 14, 2013 at 8:52 am

  2. Hi,

    Not quite sure what this question means, I think it say and alternative to natural breeding?

    There is only one way that chickens are bred artificially, and that is by Artificial insemination. This technique is normally used in the turkey industry as modern day hybrids are just to heavy to breed any more. It also happens in poorer countries for chickens (broiler breeder) as males can be very expensive to produce.

    Males can produce many millions sperm cells each time, By taking this from the males, it is then divided in to many thousands of different vales to insert them in to the females, producing a lot more fertile eggs.

    I hope this is the answer you are looking for?

    August 14, 2013 at 8:53 am

  3. Which person from my science class is asking this???
    British School of Washington…

    August 14, 2013 at 9:39 am

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