Sustainable agriculture in Ancient Egypt?

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Question by : Sustainable agriculture in Ancient Egypt?
Land along the Nile river has been farmed for thousands of years. In other places such as the fertile crescent and areas in central Asia the soil has degraded due to salinisation, why has this not happened in Egypt? I read somewhere that something to do with the agricultural practises or the specific environmental situation there contributed to its long-term agricultural sustainability, can anymore explain to me what it was that made farming in Ancient Egypt so successful?

Thanks, let me know if you would like me to elaborate 🙂
I know the regular flooding had something to do with it… But the Tigris/Euphrates had regular flooding and so did the Indus valley river but those areas suffered desalinisation (correct me if I am wrong!). So was it something to do with the Egyptians themselves and their agricultural techniques?

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One Response to Sustainable agriculture in Ancient Egypt?

  1. The fertility of the Nile delta depended on the yearly floods, bringing fresh, fertile

    topsoil from upstream, where if you farm in hillside paddies without replenishment s

    of soil, salinisation is bound to occur.

    April 20, 2014 at 7:21 pm

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