My husband and I raise horses and I would like to start a recreational riding company. How do I get started?

Filed under: Bees |

Question by thomasca125: My husband and I raise horses and I would like to start a recreational riding company. How do I get started?
I am thinking in the direction of not just recreational riding but also theraputic use for kid’s in rehab or juvy. Or, open it up to the 4-H Clubs, Boy/Girl Scouts, etc.

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One Response to My husband and I raise horses and I would like to start a recreational riding company. How do I get started?

  1. The first link in the Source(s) block is a Sacramento Bee news article. You might check with the paper for personal contact information. They are already doing what you are planning to start.

    The second link includes resources for business plans, tax assistance, and other helpful information.

    The third link provides legislative information affecting, and regarding the horse industry.

    Those are just a few basic searches using Google for results. Those listed might be a good place to start gathering information.

    May 3, 2014 at 2:33 am

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