Mallard duck question. URGENT!?

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Question by Bob J: Mallard duck question. URGENT!?
Is raising mallard ducks in Texas illegal? My nieghbors ducks have been killed and they have 3 eggs that are firtile, i would like to care for them but was wondering if it requiers a permit or not. PLEASE ANSWER! i need an answer or they will die!

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5 Responses to Mallard duck question. URGENT!?

  1. Mallards are a common farm-raised variety, if not the most common so I don’t see how there would be any problem with them.

    June 6, 2014 at 10:47 am

  2. they dont require a permit.

    June 6, 2014 at 10:48 am

  3. Most states require USDA licensing or permits to raise or rehabilitate native species, but I do think they would make an exception for a temporary situation. You need to go to USDA website and research what your particular state’s regulations are. In Ohio (where we live), you can’t legally save so much as a nest of baby rabbits, but they have some excellent licensed wildlife rehabilitators through most of the state park wildlife division.

    If you did not immediately put the eggs into an incubator and they’ve cooled below body temperature, there’s not much you’re going to do to be able to save the embryos anyway. Once a bird starts brooding their eggs, they only leave the nest for very short periods of time (less than 5-10 minutes) to eat, drink and defecate – the rest of the time is spent keeping the eggs warm and turning them at regular intervals. If a hen leavethe nest for longer and they cool, the embryos die. There is very little chance that the eggs are still viable at this point without the hen duck.

    June 6, 2014 at 10:56 am

  4. Mallards are considered game birds, but I don’t think you would need a permit if you were to just raise them. As long as you dont breed them I don’t think it would be a problem. Also, don’t set them free. Raising birds and then releasing them into the wild is wrong and usually illegal.

    Don’t let the embryo’s die. Try raising them. If you need a permit, it is not that hard to get one anyways.

    June 6, 2014 at 11:51 am

  5. It depends on if they are wild mallards or the domestic strain. Domestic strains of mallards require no special permit to possess breed raise or sell. Wild mallards on the other hand are different. As long as they are purchased or obtained by a licensed breeder within the State then they are legal to possess or keep. Most states require a breeder permit if you intend on breeding legally obtained wild mallards, if you wish to keep wild mallards and not breed them then the males and females must be kept in separate pens. I’m not exactly sure on the regulations in Texas, from what I could find you probably should call the Texas Parks and Wildlife department and ask. That is if the mallards were of the wild variety.

    June 6, 2014 at 12:24 pm

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