If if you were CEO of a large company for ONE DAY, how would you make a difference ?

Filed under: Bees |

Question by gallimaufry: If if you were CEO of a large company for ONE DAY, how would you make a difference ?
I am writing an essay for school , and i am stuck on what to write. So any suggestions would be great. So if you were CEO of a large company (i.e Virgin Airlines) for just ONE day how would you as individual make a difference ? PLEASE HELP asap. thankyou !

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One Response to If if you were CEO of a large company for ONE DAY, how would you make a difference ?

  1. ceo’s steal from shareholders
    so, i would rob everyone blind

    read the papers and internet news
    ceo’s make huge bonuses and get huge raises regardless of company performance
    this is robbing the company in my opinion

    they should suffer financially, like the poor worker bees
    no bonuses or raises like they are decrying

    April 2, 2014 at 7:53 pm

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