Goat milk for one year old with lactose intolerance and allergies?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by nmetha: Goat milk for one year old with lactose intolerance and allergies?
today I gave our baby few spoons of goat milk, after steaming and cooling it just to make sure.
He has been very lactose intolerant so my self don’t eat any diary (I too can’t digest milk IBS)
Our pediatrician asked me to try gaot milk, however I am very scarred to give him more as he is mostly breast fed, but due to pressure I thought i would give him this and see, he did’nt have any gurgling noise in his stomach, or spit up, as he usually has with alimentum or nutramegen, so i hope it works out, does anyone out there have similar experience, is it o.k to give goat’s milk in large amount to our baby who has ust turned one, or should we wait, pls advice.

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2 Responses to Goat milk for one year old with lactose intolerance and allergies?

  1. My husband is lactose and was fed goat’s milk exclusively at birth and on. So it should be fine for a 1 year old as long as he’s tolerating it.

    Clair D
    June 8, 2014 at 4:35 am

  2. I’d put him on only goat milk. If you are getting it from a store it is already pasteurized and doesn’t need to be steamed. I know probably a hundred kids that had nothing but goat milk their whole lives. My 2 girls had nothing but goat milk after being weaned at about a year. My grandchildren the same as well as the children of most of the people I know in the dairy goat world. By all means feed the poor child all he wants!

    June 8, 2014 at 4:54 am

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