Beekeeping How To Built Up a Weak Bee Hive

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8 Responses to Beekeeping How To Built Up a Weak Bee Hive

  1. My NEW YouTube Video. This process was recommended by the State Bee
    Inspector. The weak hive swarmed on me in Spring 2012. I lost 30,000+ Honey
    Bees and 75 pounds of honey. Will check back and see if this has helped the
    weak Bee Hive.

    LisaFlurie Beekeeper
    January 11, 2014 at 4:04 am

  2. #Beekeeping | How to Build Up a Weak Bee Hive | |
    100 + Beeswax Ornament Designs #LisaFlurieBeekeeperOnFaceBook | #BurtsBees 

    LisaFlurie Beekeeper
    January 11, 2014 at 4:49 am

  3. My NEW YouTube Video. This process was recommended by the State Bee
    Inspector. The weak hive swarmed on me in Spring 2012. I lost 30,000+ Honey
    Bees and 75 pounds of honey. Will check back and see if this has helped the
    weak Bee Hive.

    LisaFlurie Beekeeper
    January 11, 2014 at 5:27 am

  4. My NEW YouTube Video. This process was recommended by the State Bee
    Inspector. The weak hive swarmed on me in Spring 2012. I lost 30,000+ Honey
    Bees and 75 pounds of honey. Will check back and see if this has helped the
    weak Bee Hive.

    LisaFlurie Beekeeper
    January 11, 2014 at 6:26 am

  5. I usually have a sweatband on my forehead that keeps the veil from slipping
    down, so Hot in Florida but I forgot it. Alan, doing the filming was being
    very patient with Bees flying all around him did not want to stop filming
    and go into the house to find it. . He did have a hat and veil on, but
    there is nothing like a good thick Bee Suit on that I have. Lisa

    LisaFlurie Beekeeper
    January 11, 2014 at 7:25 am

  6. Nice video. Lisa, try wearing a baseball cap under your veil. It will help
    keep the hat from migrating down your face! lol

    January 11, 2014 at 7:39 am

  7. Not how you brush bees, and nurse bees typically don’t fight, so no need to
    brush them off really anyways.

    January 11, 2014 at 8:24 am

  8. My NEW YouTube Video. This process was recommended by the State Bee
    Inspector. The weak hive swarmed on me in Spring 2012. I lost 30,000+ Honey
    Bees and 75 pounds of honey. Will check back and see if this has helped the
    weak Bee Hive.

    thodoris kyriazis
    January 11, 2014 at 9:20 am

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